Netherlands - Kappa Data
Kappa Data is our Wiflex distributor in the Netherlands.
Contact Kappa Data if you have questions about partnerships.
+31 (0)88 527 72 00 -
Nordics and Benelux - BusinessCom
BusinessCom is our Wiflex distributor in the Nordics and Benelux
Countries: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Faroe Islands, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg
Contact BusinessCom if you have questions about partnerships.
+31 413 724 200 -
Mexico and Latin region - Sama WiFi
Sama WiFi is our Wiflex distributor in Mexico and Latin America
Contact Sama WiFi if you have questions about partnerships.
(55) 1106 3693 -
Contact us directly for other regions
Contact us if you have any questions
+32 (3) 500 24 09 -